Monday 14 October 2024

Wonderful world of witchcraft
Incantations and spells
Toad`s poison and spider's webs
Cauldron brewing on the open fire
Haunting cackles can be heard
Ever ready to cast their spells
Spooky Halloween is here
(c) Lissie`s Poems 2024

Saturday 12 October 2024

Thought I would share this poem I wrote ten years ago.  I love walking though misty mornings, hearing different sounds before to I spy what made them.  The landscape comeing into view as I walk along. 

Hope you like this one 



Through Misty Woods

When everything
just gets to me
there's this place
I escape to
along the path
through misty woods

Tall trees stand there
into the mists
leading to peace
my haven there
through misty woods

Shadows abound
mysteries here
somewhere to hide
no one would know
here I can walk
through misty woods

These mossy trees
standing in line
leading me on
along the track
to my escape
through misty woods

© Lissie Bull 2014 
Image taken by A2matos on DeviantArt

Sunday 6 October 2024


As autumn arrives
trees dress in their finest coats
full of bright colours
they don`t need to compete
with each other
they just dance in the breeze
and enjoy autumn`s parade

(C) Lissie`s Poems 2024

Friday 4 October 2024


Deep with my dreams
a paw reaches in
drawing me into the day

determined purrs heard
I slowly open my eyes
in a dreamy sort of way

nuzzling wet nose
pushes into my face
someone wants to play

hello sweet kitty
it`s times to get up
let have some fun today

(C) Lissie`s Poems 2024

Nature`s Mysteries

Nature is extraordinary 
full of textures and colours
magical rainbow stone walls
shrouded in mists of intrigue
 surprises around each corner
taking your breathe away
this dark circular cavity
seen partway up a blue cliff
door way to a mysterious world
calling out to be explored
a journey to the unknown
is this real or an illusion?

(C) Lissie`s Poems 2024
photo of Bryce Canyon National Park found on Forgotten History

Tuesday 1 October 2024

Tasty Treat Time

Sat in the morning sunshine
beautiful bushy fluffed tail
held high with confidence
relaxing by a sturdy trunk
nibbling on his tasty nut
among the autumn leaves
not bothered by distractions
letting the world pass by
this squirrel enjoys his treat

(C) Lissie`s Poems 2024

Wednesday 25 September 2024


Stormy Times Ahead

Stormy times ahead so...
batten down the hatches
stock up the cupboards
then seal all the latches
cold winds blowing
snow is coming
hard rain lashing
stormy times ahead

block up the doorways
check all windows as well
logs ready for the fire
this`ll be the storm from hell
windows rattling
snow is pitching
rivers swirling
stormy times ahead

huddled near the fire place
winds howling all around
settled in for the duration
as the storm hits the ground
winds so freezing
snow now falling
fireside blazing
Stormy times are here !

© Lissie`s Bull 2024

Tuesday 24 September 2024

Elegant Reflection

down by the lake waterside
a quiet spot near the island
two slumbering beauties
synchronised sleeping
reflected through the ripples
heads ticked under one wing
resting on only one leg
creating elegant reflections

(C) Lissie`s Poems 2024