Saturday 29 June 2024

Mauschen a 43 year old shaggy Asian bear and Muschi a stray black cat had a unlikely 10 friendship in Berlin Zoo

Pussy Cat visits the Zoo

Pussy cat pussy cat
          what did you do
I got on the bus
          to visit the zoo

Pussy cat pussy cat
          what did you there
looked at the animals
           smiled at a bear

Pussy cat pussy cat
            who did you see
long necked giraffes 
             and a chimpanzee

Pussy cat pussy cat
eat up you snack
enjoy your memories
it`s time to go back

(C) Lissie`s Poems 2024
Mauschen and Mushi, best friends


I was asked to write a shaped verse for a lovely little girl who loves her ginger cat very much. 

he sleeps a lot and purrs all the time.  She knew exactly what she wanted and then added her own details of whiskers and collar.   I really enjoyed this experience. 

Sleepy Cat

Me    ow
I can see you
little purring 
pussy cat, curled 
up on my lap
ears pricked 
and tail swishing
ready to pounce at
 a moments notice 
sleep on little one
 sweet dreams


Thursday 27 June 2024


Time on my Hand
From dawn to dusk
hands continually rotate
counting out the minutes
of each and every day
ticking away my life
as the sun passes over
followed by the moon
day in day out eternally
twelve numbers showing
seconds slowly passing
from time on my hand.

© Lissie1s Poems 2024

Sunday 23 June 2024

 Sun Speckled Madonna

Sun light filters through
creating patterns
so illuminating
like fine crafted lace

with bright blue eyes
watching every thing
protected from the heat
not taking any chances

shining lips so red
as the sun flickers by
they beam with a smile
while hiding under cover

skin so smooth and pale
hiding from this heat
dappled with white lace
my star splashed Madonna

© Lissie'a Poems 2024
inspired by a photo "Star Splashed" by MordsiCara on DeviantArt

Saturday 22 June 2024



Poetry is spoken from the soul
not caged or hidden out of sight
painting pictures from the heart
uniquely lyrical 
soaring on the breeze
the soul expressed
heart felt words

(C)  Lissie Bull 2024

Friday 21 June 2024


My cat jay is a big part of my life and has such a cheeky character too, so I thought I would  some of the personalised Pet Name Poems I have written.  These are a wonderful way to share our love for our pets.

These are done on a commission basis and I an happy to add a photo of your pet free of charge to finish your poem off.  They come mounted only and ready to pop into a frame that suits your home. 

If you would like one, please feel free to message me here or on my Facebook page and i`ll be happy to help.

Thursday 20 June 2024


Jovial, cheeky character
        mistress of all she surveys
Active, inquisitive, loves to explore
        our little tail talker, who loves cuddles
Yes! she's a valued member of our family
         our playful cat companion! 🐾

(C) Lissie's Poems 2024


Monday 17 June 2024


I thought I would share one of my nursery Friendship Bears along with a few of my poems,  both lovely ideas for new baby gifts.

These poems can be personalised as can the bear with a date or initials on its foot pads.

If you would like one created for you or as a gift, please feel free to message me on here or through my Facebook page and I'll be happy to help 🧸

Friday 14 June 2024


Life's a Beach

Sunshine, sand and surf
happy memories of childhood holidays
flip flops slapping across the plateau 
warmth of summer sun on skin
time to relax, life's a beach.....enjoy!

(C) Lissie Bull 2024

Wednesday 12 June 2024


Tokyo is the largest city in the world, vibrant and full of culture
One vending machine for approximately every 23 people
Known formally as Edo which translated as 'bay entrance'
Young generation love the Robot Hotels and Restaurants
On a clear day Mount Fuji is such a amazing sight to view

(C) Lissie`s Poems 2024

Tuesday 11 June 2024


Dorset is a beautiful and peaceful county with no motorways
Outstanding Jurassic Coast was first on the UNESCO World Heritage list
Rabbits are considered unlucky as thought to have caused landslides in mines
Super hot chilly "Dorset Naga" rated at 1.5 million Scoville Heat Units
England`s bendiest road is Zig Zag Hill, beware drivers!
Television`s iconic Hovis advert was filmed on Gold Hill in Shaftsbury

(C) Lissie`s Poems 2024

Enjoyed testing my writing with this little quote challenge.

Pompous people place themselves unnecessarily on posh plinths of their own making to show off.

(C) Lissies Poems 2024

Monday 10 June 2024

Red Coated Gent

With your red spotted coat
and black head dress
you scamper about
amongst the foliage
scurrying around
on fast little legs
along the flower stems
and across green leaves

a sign of summer
such an awesome sight
to see you balancing
across tiny white buds
light as a feather
then in an instant
you fly up and away
suddenly you`re gone

© Lissie`s Poems 2024
 photo taken by regayip  titled "The red"

Sunday 9 June 2024

Looking at old school photos and remembering yesteryear summers.

 Summer Memories

Sparkling glitter and fluffy feathers
a swish of breeze in sunny weathers
song birds singing from branches up high
blue skies, bright sun, oh for a gentle sigh
strawberries and cream served up with lemonade
sat on a picnic blanket in the shade
children running, laughing all around
playing hide and seek until they`re found
shapes in the clouds or making daisy chains
watching the trails made by aeroplanes
these are the memories I hold so dear
wonderful summer times from yesteryear!

(C) Lissie`s Poems 2024

 Mystic Stone Circle

tall solid majestic stones
standing dark against the sky
silent lonely cold and ancient
revealing history to the eye

these old columns of stones
full of intrigue and wonder
rituals performed through years
are now left here to plunder

with these lonely textured stones
have changed through the seasons
eerie, old and formidable
using this place for good reasons

winter or summer equinox
watching the sun light up the morn
holy men performing their rituals
head dresses and icons adorn

sun rays stream across the stones
thus creating long dark shadows
through these tall majestic stones
surrounded with by green meadows

nowadays these weather worn stones
that have stood the test of many years
lay slightly discarded through decay
yet always inspire, and can stir the tears.

© Lissie`s poems 2024

Saturday 8 June 2024


Painting pictures with words from my heart
colouring them with emotions 
images found in my nightly dreams
setting me adrift on life`s oceans

© Lissie`s poems 2024

Thursday 6 June 2024


Salisbury is a timeless, traditional, vibrant city, a hidden gem to explore
Amazingly over 200 independent shops can be found, a unique shopping experience
Long established Charter market and annual fair granted by King Henry III in 1217
Incredibly, it was relocated from "Old Sarum"  to it`s present spot over 8oo yrs ago
Spire of the Cathedral stands 404 ft high and leans approximately 27 inches
Best preserved "Magna Carta" is found in the Cathedral`s Chapter House
Unique and oldest working mechanical clock that`s ticked over 4.4 billion times
Revel in the city`s vibrant art and culture scene, along with music and plays
Year round excitement from festival, history surround by beautiful countryside.

(C) Lissie`s Poems 2024

Tuesday 4 June 2024


York is full of quirky names such as 
      "Whip Ma Whop Ma Gate"  it`s meaning lost in time

Oddly, roads in York are called gates 
      and hark back to the Viking era, where gata meant road

Roman settlement called Eboracum 
      founded in 71AD, who ruled the region for 400 years

Known as the City of York, it`s not part of the county
      of North Yorkshire, though it lies within its boundaries

(C) Lissie`s Poems 2024