Friday, 28 February 2025


Day 5 of Cindy Mobey marketing challenge  

Share a hobby you have or an activity you do unrelated to your business.  Why do you like doing it?    

I have a great love of photography and alwsys take photographs when Im out walking.

I suppose it can be contected to my poetry, as sometime I'm inspired by a photograph I've taken.

#cindymobetmarketing #challenge #hobbies #photography #inspiration #nature #LissiePoems 

Thursday, 27 February 2025


Day 4 - of challenge #cindymobeymarketing

Pick one of your products or services. Share the features and the benefits.

We all have own own special places that hold memories, so I created these place name poems, they are quirky, unusual and can be personalised and I can add a photo of my customers choice.

I love to research interesting facts and these poems are written as an acrostic poem, which means the first letter of each line spells out a word or phrase, in this case, the name of the village, town, city, county or island.

They are a great way to remember special places that customers lived, visited or where an important event happen or just as a gift. They come mounted only so they can be places in one of my customers own frames.

#challenge #cindymobeymarketing #productinformation #placenamepoems #quirky 'unusual #specialmemories #LissiesPoems #giftideas

Wednesday, 26 February 2025

Day 3 of challenge. " share a review and the story behind it"

Feedback, reviews and a personal thank you really boosts my confidence and determination to create more 

I received a request for a young lady to knit a Cheshire Cat Doorstop for her bedroom.  She was a huge fan of Alice In Wonderland and had a large selection of posters and collectables.

I was able to knit a bright and colourful Cheshire Cat that she really loved. I received a lovely personal thank you from my customer and to see her joyful smile was a great feeling too.


Day 2 of challenge from Cindy Mobey Marketing - if you knew what you know now when you started your business, what piece of advice would you give yourself?

Starting my business was a little scary at times and though I believed that I could do this, it would take time to get going, so I continued to write, set up my business Facebook page, while running my stall at markets.

The piece of advice I would offer to myself, would be to talk to other small businesses, believe in your worth, trust your decisions and always be willing to learn from others.  Remember you are not alone.


Tuesday, 25 February 2025



A gentle touch of sunlight
crept across and kisses my cheek
so soft I barely felt it
a soothing caress so meek

with loving murmurs in my ear
I'm told it`s time to wake
stirring slowly from my sleep
want this moment as a keepsake

I greet the sun with a smile
as I welcome in the morn
gently opening my eyes
my room is filled with the dawn

© Lissie's Poems 2025

Monday, 24 February 2025


Hi everyone

I am taking part in a 10 day challenge set by #cindymobeymarketing, so you can find out more about my and my business. Today is - who are you and what do you do.

I`m Lissie, I`m based in Bristol, I have four grown up chicken and a little rescue cat called Jay. I live with my autistic daughter and we love going on adventurers by train together.  I worked in a bank, ran a parent and toddler group,made wedding dresses and became a campanologist.  Sadly I lost my husband to cancer nearly 18 years ago and I shut down and found communicating very hard until writing therapy was suggested. This unlocked a lot of emotions and helped me to recover.  I took up poetry again and found it opened up my world.  Friends starts to ask me to write for them, so I decided to start my little business and many years down the line, I`ve had some of my poems published and enjoy meeting people when I`m running my stall at different markets and have been lucky to work with children and met some amazing poets too.

I write poems that are personal, quirky and unique, I`m inspired by nature, emotions, events and people. Creating acrostic poems about customer`s names, pet and special places. I go walking and always take photos that I can use with my poems.  My ethos is painting pictures with words from the heart.

Along with my poetry, I have been knitting Friendship Bears for over 30 years (my children still have their own bears)  They are knitted in many different colours and patterns and each one has its own personality. I`m passionate about colour, joy and sharing my poems and making people smile.

I love what I do as it enables me to be there for my family, especially to support my autistic daughter. Thank you for reading about me and my little business.


Sunday, 23 February 2025

pink blossom
soft velvet petals
standing tall
fresh fragrances in the air
springtime has arrived

(C) Lissie's Poems 2025

Saturday, 22 February 2025

I love watching squirrels scurrying around the trees, flicking their tails, then racing up tree trunks and leaping from branch to branch.  They rarely stay still of a moment.  In spring they search for their autumn treasure, nuts they have buried to keep them going throughout the winter.  Sometimes you can hear them nibbling on nuts before to spy them!



Sat in the morning sunshine
a cheeky character is found
large beautiful bushy tail
held high with confidence
relaxed near a gnarled tree
nibbling his stashed treasure
dug up from his autumn store
beady eyes and fully alert
yet letting the world go on by
enjoying a well earned treat

(C) Lissie`s Poems 2025

Tuesday, 18 February 2025

                                                   Friendship Bear

Hand knitted Friendship Bears, made in many different colours, offering soft loving hugs while looking for their forever homes
If you would like one you`ll find them on 
or message me if you would like a different colour 🧸

Friendship Bear

I'm a little Friendship Bear 
happy to share a hug with you
have fun and lots of laughter
and share an adventure too

(C) Lissie`s Poems 2025

Monday, 17 February 2025


 Spring Beauty in a Vase

Daffodils and tulips
standing proud on my table
bright yellows and purples
flowering tall and stable

sun touching velvet petals
catching their texture in the light
sweet aromas filling my kitchen
oh, such an uplifting sight

each morning flowers greet me
as I make my morning coffee
spreading much love and joy
a little present just for me

spring flowers in my kitchen
filling me with happiness
bringing my garden inside
overflowing with cheerfulness

(C) Lissie`s Poems 2025

Friday, 14 February 2025


Special Memories

holding onto sweet memories
of all the times we spent together
locking them safe and secure
deep within my heart forever

one day we`ll be together again
until then I`ll hold our memories tight
so on this Valentine's Day, Steve
your gift of love remains still bright

(C) Lissie Bull 2025


A rose can say so much more than I love you!

Eternal Rose

A red rose for you my love
to show how much I care
from a tiny little bud
peeping through the mists of time
growing slowly with each day
as tender love is shown
fed with kindness
as the petals start to open
pure beauty is seen inside
promising much treasure
through the sun light
releasing such a sweet fragrance
the flower opens completely
such an awesome sight
expressing my love
in this rich red rose
my eternal love
I love you

(C) Lissie's Poems  2025

Wednesday, 12 February 2025


Moon`s Journey

As the sun descends to the depths 
this celestial moon rides the night
rising slowly over the horizon
shining down the earth with delight

world sleeps through this darkness
unaware of the earth`s rotation
this graceful moon glides on above
heading westward to it`s destination

amongst the stars this orb continues
it`s journey across the night sky
beautiful and silent as it goes
influencing nature from on high

(C) Lissie`s Poems 2025


tis the month to share love and romance
as nature wakes from her slumber
snowdrops, crocuses, bluebells
here comes Valentines Day 
roses,  hearts,  kisses
countryside walks
hand in hand
in love

(C) Lissie`s Poems 2025

Tuesday, 11 February 2025



Words are always around us
the building blocks to our world
instructions, stories and records 
all this vocabulary unfurled

love, learning, power and joy
communication is the key
expressions of the way we feel
allowing you to talk to me !

words flow freely from deep within
for each letter plays it`s part
filling our world with descriptions
and painting pictures for the heart

happy words, encouraging words
some for every occasion
loving, coaxing or emotional 
words for celebration.

sadly there are hurtful words
that can break a person`s heart
sad words, painful words
that tear many people apart !

 words can be felt, spoken and read
creating pictures for all to see
creating memories to treasure
so choose your words carefully

© Lissie`s Poems 2025
image found on

Monday, 10 February 2025


Ghost Ship

Through the thick mists of time
with her sails all unfurled
she glides majestically on
as if she rules the world

billowing white canvas sails
attached to masts so tall
while southerly winds do blow
this phantom follows her call

cursed to continually travel
with a Jolly Roger flying high
her crew rattling their swords
as the Ghost Ship passes on by!

(c)  Lissie Bull 2025

Sunday, 9 February 2025


The symbol of a rose
inflicts much emotion
soft velvety petals
flowing like an ocean !

bright hues of colour
and aromas so sweet
bombarding the senses
like a tantalising treat

so soft and so mystic
yet hidden from sight
sharp thorns that draw blood
in the dark depths of night

this symbol of a rose
it's beauty laid bare
hold close to your heart
and treat with great care

© Lissie`s Poems 2025

With every moment 
we spend together
we create loving
memories forever

© Lissie Bull 2025

Wednesday, 5 February 2025


Peeping through the snow
sweet little white bells appear
giving hint of spring!

(c) Lissie bull 2025

Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Morning lie-ins

A shaft of morning sun light
drifts across the duvet covers
creating patterns as it moves
revealing the sleeping lovers

Bleary eyed and so reluctant
to take advantage of the day
hair spread across the pillow
maybe later would be okay

Curled up warm under the covers
as the sun rays move slowly round
snuggled in together they stay
birds singing, the only sound

Far to comfy to make a move
much better to stay and snooze on
another half hour won`t hurt
morning lie ins are much more fun!

Best time of the day!!

© Lissie`s Poems 2025

Saturday, 1 February 2025


Frogs Eyes

Two big eyes just visible
breaking the surface with ease
blinking in the bright sun shine
just floating, if you please!

a sudden noise and down they drop
back into the depths of the pond
a ripple on the water
shows us how they did respond

as the water settles again
you`re left there to ponder on
for where there were two eyes,  now
a croak, a splash and they`re gone

© Lissie Bull 2025