Sunday 15 March 2020


It`s all around me as I sit here typing on my laptop. The news is full of frightening statistics and the outlook appears to be so dark.  it`s a worrying and very stressful time.  trying to look after my family, keep them safe and healthy.  I will always be there to help them, guide them, nurse them or just be there to listen to their troubles and worries as well as their hopes and dreams too.

Sitting here in silence, listening to the odd laughter or music in the distance as my family amuse themselves, giving the appearance that they have no worries and all is well.  However, everyone has their worries or concerns. I know it`s my roll to be there for them and I am happy to be part of their lives.

Now we have Coronavirus  COVID-19 to contend with and yes it is scary for everyone. I find myself constantly telling my family to "wash your hands"  "use a tissue"  oh and even "elbow bump only"  What have our lives become?

What keeps me going?  Why my writing!  I find that expressing my emotions, concerns and even dreams... help me to cope, have a purpose and even keep my sanity too! I write each day and a lot of what I write is not for sharing, it helps me to express my emotions and release the pressure that builds up due to stress.  Others, I am happy to share and I will continue to work this way.  What keeps you going through these tough times?

So take care and follow all the information and lets pray that we all get through this journey together.



sweeping through our world
leaving devastation on it`s wake
fevers, coughs, aches and pains
new cases reported each day break

a new phase "wash your hands"
was to be heard everywhere
and if you showed symptoms
it was self isolation and care

some countries are in lockdown
while others have restrictions
now the world has to change
or we`ll be trapped in limitations!

This situation is on going.....!

(c) Lissie Bull 2020

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