Tuesday 30 June 2020

Love of Reading

open the cover of a book
step into another world
where will this story take us
as a new tale`s unfurled!

with each turn of a page
we`re whisked far away
as adventures develope
in the light of a new day

racing across desert dunes
flying over a choppy sea
hunting dangerous foe
these books can set us free

exploring under deep oceans
learn about fish and whales
history of the unknown
ancient myths and tales

books can transport us away
full of intrigue and pleasure
so find a comfy place to sit
and reveal it`s magical treasure

(c) Lissie Bull 2020

Monday 29 June 2020

Hectic Day

after such a hectic day playing
running all around the garden
racing up and down the stairs
don`t forget the purring
curling up on laps
padding my bed
I`m tired now
sleep time

(c) Lissie Bull 2020

Sunday 28 June 2020

Single Tear

Teardrop runs gently cascades
gravity has it`s power
emotions just below the surface
life can turn so sour!

red swollen eyes trying to see
not sure they understand
just how these feelings have hurt
no smiles on demand!

all around, darkness is found
silence fills the ears
this single tear falls further down
 world is filled with fears

heart broken yet still standing here
let this tear run it`s course
for bad times can be turned around
can`t make happiness by force!

(c0 Lissie Bull 2020

China and Pearls

In the silence of this moment
memories treasured
time moves on slowly
with each hour of the day
sounds of sweet melody
in shade from the pear tree
whilst all dress up in pearls
for our afternoon tea
tunes running through my head
of a bygone era
as we danced through the tulips
on a long summer`s day
the clink of the china
along with twittering birds
these were the heady times
that will never be forgotten....!

© Lissie  Bull 2020
Image entitled Arabesque taken by Venesmir

Saturday 27 June 2020

Red Fur

A glimpse of red fur in the night
bright flash of eyes can be seen
then a streak of white tipped tail
just shows where it has been

there`s silence in the suburbs
though they scurry all about
scrambling through the rubbish
searching for food with their snout

only seen in dim street lights
as they saunter on around
their pups following along
glad they`re not chased by hound

able to blend into the night
foxes are resilient
alert in an urban world
these creatures are brilliant!

© Lissie Bull 2020
Image found on telegraph.com


fifty wonderful years have passed by
filled with the special love we have
making memories forever
surrounded by our kids
love,  joy and laughter
wrapped all around
hand in hand
our love

(c) Lissie Bull 2020

Guardians of Nature

Sweet angels of the earth
fluttering through flowers
while sprinkling fairy dust
brings happiness to all
wings sparkling in sunlight
as fairies skip and dance
opening up scented buds
in the colourful dawn
then lighting up fire flies
as twilight settles in
looking after all we have
these guardians of nature
the heart and soul of life
sweet and gentle fairies

© Lissie Bull 2020

Friday 26 June 2020

Our Anniversary
we`ve enjoyed many amazing years
creating fabulous moments
to cherish in our old age
with all our family
grand kids and cats
hand in hand

(c) Lissie Bull 2020 

Thursday 25 June 2020



With sleek lean body crouched in the undergrowth
ears pricked and eyes so bright watching for its prey
blending into the surrounding habitat
its unsuspecting meal, not too far way

watching and waiting for the right moment
its eyes darting back and forth cunningly
eyeing up the next victim, its next meal
then once chosen, it moves in so stunningly

crouched low to the ground, moving silently
following every movement through the darkness
its prey unaware of its presence close by
at the right time, it leaps out of the blackness

with its unique speed, the prey stands no chance
so adapted with its eyes, ears and coat
the leopard attacks with its claws out stretched
suffocating its prey with a bite to the throat

after only a short space of time for the kill
the wilderness in plunged back into silence
with its meal safely dispatched up a tree
the leopard helps to keep nature in balance

(c) Lissie Bull 2020

I have a great love for the big cats and their way of life, long may we still be able to see them.


each stripe is different
every coat, unique
awesome camouflage 
at nature`s boutique

moving through jungle
in silent stealth mode
seeking his next meal
as his bright eyes glowed

hardly visible
to the naked eye
this tiger`s walking
confident and sly

this majestic king
so endangered there
it`s up to us to help
save him, we must care

oh tiger tiger
for this is your hour
a symbol of freedom
such grace and power

© Lissie Bull 2020
Inspired by a watercolour painted by Olechka01 found on DeviantArt

Sunday 21 June 2020

There comes a time in people`s lives, when you feel enough is enough, you just need to change things, start a fresh...!!

Brave New Start

Standing up here on the edge
looking down on humanity
feeling such sadness welling up
all I see is insanity

this old world with all its pit falls
sucking the life blood out off me
draining me of all my willpower
I just can`t stay here, need to be free

over the oceans, I will fly
to the far flung corners of the earth
where I`d feel safe to start once more
so full of hope, I`d know my worth

a brave new world for me to see
leaving all the rot far away
free from all the sad pain and hurt
standing tall, I know this is my day

(c) Lissie Bull 2020

Summer solstice 

Witnessing sunrise over Stonehenge
Watching the stones and sun aligned 
sky ablaze with bright colours 
festive feel with the dawn
time stands still this dawn

(c) Lissie Bull 2020

Saturday 20 June 2020


this feeling of falling
total isolation
surrounded by silence
so full of emotion

loneliness takes over
the future appears bleak
sorrow weighing heavy
feel unable to speak

depression fills the soul
engulfed in the darkness
wrapped up in deep sorrow
this world is so heartless

(c) Lissie Bull 2020

Thursday 18 June 2020


Sassy cat who rules this home
Adventurous and mischievous
Such a cutie, loves her cuddles
Happy to sleep on everyone`s lap
Always ready to take on the world

(c) Lissie Bull 2020                                                                                                                                                                                             


Our Pets are part of our families.
Pet Name Verses are a great gift idea.
I can add a photo of your pet to create a 
unique and personal verse.

Wednesday 17 June 2020


Flash of light across the dark sky
illuminating the  garden`s wide spread
zig zagging after a clap of thunder
as the storm passes overhead

a symphony of sound to hear
electric pulses through the night
emotion felt deep within the soul
nature`s fireworks, a wondrous sight

each strike of lightning`s so unique
creating bright patterns to follow
 rumblings heard in the distance
as the storm continues to grow

nature`s battle through the night sky
large droplets of rain hits the ground
an atmosphere that blasts the senses
there`s nothing like it to be found 

(c) Lissie Bull 2020

Monday 15 June 2020


New way of Life!

Our lives have changed so much
being furloughed and home schooling
kitchen tables have become our offices
and there`s plenty of time for fooling

joining queues to do our shopping
and stay at least two meters apart
only purchasing what we really need
always being careful and smart

even our loving pets are confused
they don`t get a moment of peace
their snoozing spots have been taken
noisy music and games never cease!

we can`t meet up with family members
or have a meal or drink at the pub
now it`s BBQs in the showers
as we`d started our own little club!

baking has become more popular
it`s great what can be produced
bread, cookies, chocolate cakes
it`s amazing how many dishes get used

virtual conversations with friends
writing emails, talking on mobile
chatting from two meters away
we`re becoming very versatile 
so our home is now very different
many changes across a great range
a school,  an office or  craft room
weird, how our lives have all changed

(c) Lissie Bull 2020