Monday 29 July 2024

Joy of Nature

Peace, tranquility
silence to be enjoyed
hear the birds singing
the beat of their wings
sweet aromas of flowers
waft through the air
nature`s perfume, full of joy
shadows moving over the grass
gentle breeze stirs the plants
calmness of Mother Nature
smoothing away life`s stresses
leaving a quiet peace within

(C) Lissie`s Poems 2024

Saturday 27 July 2024


The Forgotten Wishing Well 

Near the bottom of the garden
dug deep into the hardy ground
there stands a special wishing well
not many folk know it`s around

three feet wide, with it`s sides so straight
very deep you can`t see it`s base
I'm sure if you looked hard enough
you`d be able to see a face

as I have said to you before
this is a very special well
when the new moon is shining bright
drop two coins in and make a spell

if the new moon is bright enough
then your little spell will come true
but please be very careful now
once started you`re to see it through

if you refuse to complete it
there`s a forfeit for you to pay
this may not be very pleasant
but I'm sure you will find a way

take care my inquisitive friend
that`s why the wishing well is here
down the bottom of the garden
no one will see you disappear!!

© Lissie`s Poems 2024  


Why do we believe fantasies are real? 

We humans, love to be in charge of things we do
however, there are times when we need to be free
fantasies are just the ticket for this need
they fit the bill so perfectly for you and me

we can be whoever or whatever we want
fly, do magic, be strong and always do what's right
Dragons, Vikings even modern day heroes too
fantasies are there to keep our sanity in sight.

to be able to delve in and out of these worlds
is so good for the soul. We all need time to chill
we have to be careful not to muddle them up
but the chase of the prey always gives us such a thrill!

so to sum up, fantasies are good for us all
they take us away from our stress and strain
we all need to flit in and out of these worlds
there is nothing to lose, just everything to gain !

A question asked by my daughter!
© Lis Bull 2013

Sunday 21 July 2024


Cat and Mouse.!

Scuffles heard as tiny claws
scratch across the floor
and flash of brown fur
is seen once more

from a flick of the tail
to a prick of an ear
whiskers are twitching
feline attention is here

the chase has now started
flash of cat and mouse
a growl or a squeak
fur racing around the house

in and out of all the rooms
chased by this scary creature
mouse runs for its freedom
I'm told that this is nature....!

(C) Lissie`s Poems  2024

Saturday 20 July 2024

 Tender Moments

Tender moments
a sweet scented aura
silent tranquility
with petals so soft
smooth cool pebbles
all dark and shiny
contrasting so well
with all that`s around

restful colours
pleasant to the eyes
calming the heart beat
so lightly touching
this tender moment
caressing senses
smooths stones, soft petals
contrasting so well

© Lissie Bull 2024
image taken by leilani_m

Thursday 18 July 2024


Her Hand

Pale skin, soft to the touch
with long elegant fingers
that caress so sensually
her hand tenderly lingers

© Lissie`s Poems 2024

Monday 15 July 2024

Red Tailed Bumble Bee

Bright beautiful pink thistle flowers
growing by the quiet lake side
wonders of Mother Nature
where humble busy bees
are found all around
 gleaning  pollen
cute red tailed

(C) Lissie`s Poems 2024

Monday 8 July 2024

Just saying!

Many Hats of Motherhood

To be a "Jack of all trades"
is a hard thing to bear
cook, seamstress or banker
so many hats to wear

not forgetting councillor
that`s a demanding one to be
cleaner and taxi driver
there`s loads of places to see

barber and housekeeper
I`m always on the go
entertainer or teacher
learning all the time, you know

there are so many titles
for the one job many hate
but for me, it`s so rewarding
as being a Mother is just great!!

© Lissie`s  Poems 2024

Thursday 4 July 2024

On Top of Hoy

Hoy Island is quite unique to Orkney
rugged geography of heath and rocks
glacial valleys formed between steep hills
with a few scattered small narrow lochs

hard red sandstone make the core layers
creating distinctive patterns in each band
from the striking majestic coastal cliffs
to the steep sided dark peaks of this island

on the top of Hoy uniquely shaped rocks
scattered across heather covered landscape
as if a handful of dice have been thrown down
give the feeling of a scene from moonscape

standing high upon the summit of Ward hill 
amazing views across the valley to the sea
there`s an illusion of the earth`s curvature
experiencing the wonders of Hoy`s mystery

(C) Lissie`s Bull 2024

Tuesday 2 July 2024

Today would of been mine and Steven's 41st Wedding Anniversary.  Each year I write a poem to celebrate our special day.  
This year my wedding dress came to mind and how smart Steve looked in his suit.

I miss Steve more as the years go by and our children fly the nest.  I take comfort that he's always with me.

Love and miss you always my dearest

Happy Wedding Anniversary

I remember yards of white silky fabric
along with intricate white lace too
you looked so smart in your tailored suit
on our special day when we said, `I do!`

so many memories held within my heart
as I look back on an amazing time together
our family, adventures and holidays too
all these I will loving cherish forever

you may be up in heaven with the angels
but I know you walk beside me everyday
Steve, Happy Wedding Anniversary 
I know you`re smiling on us this special day

(C) Lissie`s Poems 2024