Wednesday 10 July 2019

Art Therapy

Art can mean so many different things to many different people.
We are all unique and therefore look at art in our own unique way and this is as it should be. For is we were all the same, life would be so boring!

Art includes painting, sketching, computer graphics, playing an instrument, composing music and/lyrics, singing, writing poetry, novels, short stories (in all their different genres) and even crafting- knitting, crocheting, card making, wood work, pottery, jewellery, quilting and so much more!!

All these activities are uplifting, they make us to feel empowered, proud and help is to destress,  Trying new hobbies is something we all attempt at some point in our lives, whether it`s curiosity or necessity … we can all benefit from it!

In times of sadness, bereavement, loss, hopelessness and illness, art can play a big role in our recovery. This could be through distraction, exercise, co-ordination and even a fresh start on the next stage of our lives.

Art should never be underestimated!  It is a wonderful way to improve our well being, a new adventure where we can try new ideas, meet new people and feel ourselves once more.

I took up writing when I lost my husband to cancer. It helped me to express my emotions and the deepest of inner feeling.  In this way I was able to release the pressure that was building inside me, so that instead of taking a bad road, I was able to chose a new road that led me to a wonderful adventure that I am still travelling along!

I now feel at peace, through my husband died, I know he is still with me through my poetry and writing. This makes me smile a lot and spurs me on to writing more poetry. Every time someone enjoyed one of my poems, I know I have taken the right road and that my journey will be a good one.

So if you`re down, depressed, recovering from an accident or illness or even going through a bereavement, look to the arts to give you a little boost. Learn to smile and enjoy it. Try a new hobby and see where it may take you.

I`m so glad I did....!


Artwork by Julia Watkins

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