Tender Moment
Tender Moment
Be Yourself
Spring is here again
PlymouthPilgrims to America set off from PlymouthLocation of the deepest aquarium in UKYoung Charlie Chaplin performed at Palace TheatreMassive jellyfish can be washed up on the beachOldest Gin Distillery in EnglandUnique place, Plymouth market has everything!Take a walk through enchanted woodlandsHistorical city located on the south coast(C) Lissie Bull 2023
Beaches are my `go to place`, when I need somewhere to calm my stresses, think things through and meditate. With sand between my toes, I feel mesmerised and soothed. Places where I feel close to loved ones and know I am with them.
Sandy Toes
After the Rain
NaPoWriMo 2023
Day 12
Sleepy Cat
NaPoWriMo 2023
Day 6
Take a look around Poetry International for a poem in a language you don`t know. Read it through, think about the sounds and shapes of the words and the degree to which these remind you of words in your own language. Write a new poem.
Swedish poem
Du Ska Tacka
Wedding poetry
Poetry has a beautiful way of expressing the joy of wedding celebrations.
NaPoWriMo 2023
Day 7
Start by reading James Tate`s poem `The List of Famous Hats` Now write a poem that plans on the idea of writing a list Tate`s poem is a list thats not a list, you could try to writ a non-list, a list of ingredients or entries in an index or a self portrait list of yourself or someone else. Or maybe a list of instructions.
NaPoWriMo 2023
Day 5