Monday 10 April 2023

NaPoWriMo 2023

Day 7


Start by reading James Tate`s poem `The List of Famous Hats`  Now write a poem that plans on the idea of writing a list Tate`s poem is a list thats not a list, you could try to writ a non-list, a list of ingredients or entries in an index or a self portrait list of yourself or someone else. Or maybe a list of instructions.

Cheering up the Family

I`ve been sent down the supermarket for bread
but I lost my list and bought these instead!

Sourdough bread, as it sounded so good
a big chocolate cake, cus, I know I should
bright yellow flowers, to cheer mum up
and a new noisy toy for our little pup
sadly I  couldn`t buy any beer as they said no!
but Daddy I did give it a go!
some pick and mix and some Whoppers
skittles, Snickers  and colourful Gobstoppers
sorry I couldn`t manage to get baby`s nappy
Oh I did get some bread to keep mummy happy

Not sure mum was please with what I got from the store
but she`s never asks me to go shopping anymore!

(C) Lissie`s Poems 2023

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