Thursday 29 August 2024


Mysterious sea

mysterious sea
release to me
all that`s held within
ebb and flow
from down below
that tickles my skin
moves so much
cold to touch
hidden chagrin
treasure here
by the weir
where the waters spin
great surprise
matching skies
mysteries held within

© Lis Bull 2024

Sunday 25 August 2024


caught in a moment of time
this vision of beauty
paused in sheer motion
 such silent serenity

for such a vibrant bird
so tiny in stature
feeds quickly while on the move
instilling much rapture

rich florescent colours
shimmering in the light
while wings hardly visible
beating so fast in flight

with a long slender beak
to explore for nectar
found deep within the flowers
this elixir collector

darting between blossoms
with wondrous beauty
captured in a single moment
this humming bird's on duty!

© Lissie Bull 2024

This lovely photo was sent to me, but I'm not sure who to credit.


It`s great feeling to write and post my poems on my blog, to express my inner emotions and set me free. It helps me to cope with life after becoming a widow.  Well that was the main reason I started my journey, then  as I travelled I became aware of influences, such as helping others going through the same as I had been going through.  I started to talk to people and found it gave me a new purpose in life.  Steve was still with me in spirit and I felt he was helping to move forward. 

I started to write more and express the grief I was still feeling and this helped me to travel eve further along my journey with a feeling of worth.  It was 10 years ago I had my first poem published "Colours of Bereavement"   A poems of grief through colours, from blacks and dark blues through to creams and white and seeing I was a different person who was strong and determined.

Sixteen years on, my sons have moved out and are doing well with their lives and I find myself with more time on my own.  I still want to write poetry and help others, but feel there is something else but, not too sure what that is.  It`s like a piece of my life is missing!

I am at a crossroads, should I continue on the road I`ve been travelling on so far or should I try a new road full of new adventures?  Suffering with anxiety, I am unsure and a little nervous to be honest. So this calls for some research and a lot of thought.  Change is difficult for a lot of people, taking small steps can help.

So for now I am going to explore my options, consider how I move forward and then, only then, will I be able to decide.  Until then, I`m working on a book of poetry inspired by a photographer living in Orkney. ( maybe this is a possible road for me to check out too.

Take care and don`t forget to do what makes your heart happy 

Lissie x

Thursday 22 August 2024



      Friday has come and gone, the weekend now beckons
                    a time of peace and relaxation
                               lazy morning with paper and coffee
                  lunch with friends, then down the pub
         not forgetting the Sunday roast with all the family
               my weekends are the best days of the week!
                                                           © Lissie`s Poems 2024

Tuesday 20 August 2024


Liquid Black

Black oily slickness
shimmering in the light
ebbing back and forth
under the moon so bright

patches of colours
momentarily seen
amid the blackness
adds mystery to the sheen

soft lapping sounds heard
through the ebb and flow
where will this lead
I`m sure I don`t know

(c) Lissie`s Poems  2024

 If you could chose a colour to inspire your day, what would it be? 



Sapphire, navy, indigo, cornflower
so many different variations to see
Tiffany, electric, azure or cyan
music, emotions, colours to set us free

beautiful blue skies to mirrored pools
amazing nature seen all around 
stripy socks to handmade teddy bears
created from blues that we have found

there are many different types of blue
from deep blue oceans to bright blue eyes
cold, refreshing and stirring emotions 
washing over us, always full of surprise

(c) Lissie Bull 2024

Saturday 17 August 2024


Secluded sun trapped courtyard
creating quiet shady places
surrounded by giant bamboo
feeling safe among these spaces

away from noises of the city
safe from busy hectic streets
this perfect secluded little spot
somewhere to enjoy tasty treats

(C) Lissie`s Poems 2024

Thursday 15 August 2024


Follow the Leader

it`s such a glorious sight to behold
seeing a line of geese glide by
looking regal and divine
weaving across the lake
taking centre stage
liquid movement

(C) Lissie`s Poems 2024

Tuesday 13 August 2024



as the moon arcs across the sky
surrounded by a million stars
ever travelling along it`s path
casting an eerie light over the earth
as onward through the heavens it goes

(c) Lissie`s Poems 2024

Sunday 11 August 2024


King Lion

Surveying the savannah
that he calls his kingdom 
majestic in his stature 
full of confidence and wisdom

this great king of the beasts
watches over his family
mane waving in the breeze
proud of all that he can see

with a roaming larder all around
his pride can enjoy many feasts
healthy, wise and full of vigour
he rules over herds of beasts

his roar can be heard for miles
letting the world know he is bold
regal king of the African plain
a magnificent sight to behold 

(c) Lissie Bull 2024

Thursday 8 August 2024

Hidden Moon

behind long strips of cloud
a moon shines brightly through
creating unique patterns
lighting up the sky on a dark night
travelling along its journey
silently following an ancient orbit
a celestial floating sphere 
casting eerie light upon the land

(C) Lissie`s Poem 2024


Sunshine in a Flower

Large bright yellow petals
around a seed packed flowers
standing tall and proud
swaying gently in the breeze
bees busily collecting pollen
sunshine in a flower

(C) Lissie`s Poems 2024

Tuesday 6 August 2024

Beaches are my go to place, when I need somewhere to calm my stresses, think things through and meditate. With sand between my toes, I feel mesmerised and soothed.  Places where I feel close to loved ones and know I will be safe.

 Sandy Toes

feeling sand between my toes
as I walk along the beach
listening to sounds of the sea
whispering just out of reach!

gentle rhythms of ebb and flow
as waves wash across the sand
mesmerising all the senses
stretching out from where I stand

seaweed, shells and driftwood
beachcombing after hightide
with a strong scent of saltiness
treasures found far and wide

seagull shrieks heard over head
what they`re saying, no one knows
as waves retreat back to the depths
wet sand trickles between my toes

(C) Lissie`s Poems  2024

Monday 5 August 2024


Watching the Sea

Watching the sea, ebb and flow
roaring in, flooding out
almost breathing

never stopping, always moving
racing in, flowing out
wave after wave

depositing all its gifts
rushing in, receding back
along the shore line

watching the ocean murmur
crashing in, rumbling out
forever moving

© Lissie`s Poems 2024

Saturday 3 August 2024


Love walking along a beach and letting my imagination free....

Pebbles and Souls

Pebbles strewn across the beach
scattered around by the high tide
where they`re tossed about by oceans
travelling in waters far and wide

those pebbles are just like our souls
buffered by our swirling emotion
constantly exploring the world
this roller-coaster in motion

with the waters shaping the souls
as it shapes these many pebbles
some times they`re marooned in one place
others, crashing around like rebels

for every pebble is different
like the many souls set a drift
only time will tell when they settle
then love will give them that lift

so as you walk along the beach
and spy a pebble laying there
remember to handle carefully
a soul is drifting on a prayer!

© Lissie`s Poems 2024

Thursday 1 August 2024


Beautiful pale orb
floating across the sky
celestial elegance seen
shrouded by long thin cloud
as it travels its orbital path
repeating this journey each night
casting eerie light upon the land
shadows created by its passing
this heavenly sphere of mystery
watching over us as we sleep

(C) Lissie`s Poems 2024