Sunday 25 August 2024


It`s great feeling to write and post my poems on my blog, to express my inner emotions and set me free. It helps me to cope with life after becoming a widow.  Well that was the main reason I started my journey, then  as I travelled I became aware of influences, such as helping others going through the same as I had been going through.  I started to talk to people and found it gave me a new purpose in life.  Steve was still with me in spirit and I felt he was helping to move forward. 

I started to write more and express the grief I was still feeling and this helped me to travel eve further along my journey with a feeling of worth.  It was 10 years ago I had my first poem published "Colours of Bereavement"   A poems of grief through colours, from blacks and dark blues through to creams and white and seeing I was a different person who was strong and determined.

Sixteen years on, my sons have moved out and are doing well with their lives and I find myself with more time on my own.  I still want to write poetry and help others, but feel there is something else but, not too sure what that is.  It`s like a piece of my life is missing!

I am at a crossroads, should I continue on the road I`ve been travelling on so far or should I try a new road full of new adventures?  Suffering with anxiety, I am unsure and a little nervous to be honest. So this calls for some research and a lot of thought.  Change is difficult for a lot of people, taking small steps can help.

So for now I am going to explore my options, consider how I move forward and then, only then, will I be able to decide.  Until then, I`m working on a book of poetry inspired by a photographer living in Orkney. ( maybe this is a possible road for me to check out too.

Take care and don`t forget to do what makes your heart happy 

Lissie x

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