Saturday 3 August 2024


Love walking along a beach and letting my imagination free....

Pebbles and Souls

Pebbles strewn across the beach
scattered around by the high tide
where they`re tossed about by oceans
travelling in waters far and wide

those pebbles are just like our souls
buffered by our swirling emotion
constantly exploring the world
this roller-coaster in motion

with the waters shaping the souls
as it shapes these many pebbles
some times they`re marooned in one place
others, crashing around like rebels

for every pebble is different
like the many souls set a drift
only time will tell when they settle
then love will give them that lift

so as you walk along the beach
and spy a pebble laying there
remember to handle carefully
a soul is drifting on a prayer!

© Lissie`s Poems 2024

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