Tuesday 15 August 2017

Timothy, an army explosive sniffer dog, wears the helmet of a soldier who placed it on his head at the site of a car loaded with explosives that was detonated by an army anti-bomb squad in Pradera, southwestern Colombia in 2012.

Canine Soldier.!

War Zones around the world

where man and dog work together
braving bombs and poisonous gas
plus snipers in all types of weather

they`re emotionally connected

and support their military squad
fighting against great tyranny
and enemies serving their god !

 comrades in arms against the enemy

braving shrapnel from a bomb blast
each dog remains with their handler
doing more then they have been asked

the trust that is found between them

a bond that will not be betrayed
companionship that`s the strongest
 at rest or defending the blockade

for man and dog united in a cause
standing proud together in armour
as they risk their lives to protect
serving our great country with honour

 © Lissie Bull 2015

image found on www.viralspell.com

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