Thursday 31 March 2022

Therapeutic Poetry.

To lose a loved one can affect us in many different ways. We feel lost, angry, confused and alone - to name but a few emotions. There is no right or wrong way to grieve, so don`t be influenced by others.  Grieving is personal to yourself and your family, there is no time limit.

Each day is different, some are good and others are overwhelming emotions that are affected by simply things like, memories, objects, people and places.

Writing a poem is very therapeutic and can help you to express your feelings. Poetry can help release pressure that can build up through bereavement. By writing a few words, they don`t have to rhyme, can help you to move forward. A few lines hold a memory together. In time more poetry will flow and help you to blossom.

Why not have a go at writing a poem about your loved one, a memory to made together or about an emotion that you feel. 

If you feel like sharing or just holding on to your poem close to your heart, that is perfect okay to do.  Give it a try and see how you feel as these are just to help you express your inner feelings.

Happy Writing

Lissie x


The lose of a life is hard to bear
but the closer that person, oh the despair
feels like a piece of your has been ripped out
nothing to hold onto, but to scream and shout

The questions that linger upon your lips
as upside down your whole life now flips
it's so difficult for the ones left behind
as you try to gather all the memories you can find

There's a great big whole where once love was found
now it's torn away, buried six feet under ground
bereavement is something we all go through
a painful journey that's hard to bare too

So as the grieving continues to flow
the love that you shared will constantly grow
though the loss of a loved one tears you apart
never fear, they will remain deep in your heart

© Lissie Bull 2015

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