Tuesday 28 February 2023


Mother Dear

Today`s the day we say we love you
you`re the best mother in the world
makes tasty food for our meals
and do the laundry well
great taxi service
good banker too
it`s your day
love you

(C) Lissie`s Poems 2023

Monday 27 February 2023


Mums, like buttons, bonding us together
always up first to start each day
cooking, washing and teacher
always there to comfort
listening to our woes
her special hugs
many thanks
love you

(C) Lissie Bull 2023

Sunday 26 February 2023


Thanks Mother for always being there
sharing all your knowledge with me
nurturing, teaching, loving
so much wisdom to give
an ear for listening
and gentle smile
grateful heart
thank you

(C) Lissie`s Poems 2023

Saturday 25 February 2023

Butterflies are like silent fluttering rainbows, brightening up our world!


Paper wings fluttering on the wind
bright colours flashing through the light
many shimmering tones in the sun
warming up together, before flight

silently assembling in great hoards
drawing strength as one in the day
reds, whites, purples and pale blues
catching attention in a big way.

while flitting from flower to flower
tasting that wonderful nectar there
these majestic creatures feed
using their long tongues with flair

wonderful insects for all to see
filling our lives with great pleasure
bright beautiful butterflies
they are here for us to treasure.

© Lissies Poems  2023

Friday 24 February 2023

Cinder`s Life

life`s a twisted Cinderella story
where the youngsters laze around
doing just whatever they please
stamping Cinders into the ground!

on the net all day, hiking up the bill
always leaving on the house lights
Cinders is left to clean up again
on the go from dawn to midnight

everyone should be respectful
curb their excesses and be fair
not take people for what they want
this was more that Cinders could bare

things had to change around here
poor young Cinders had had enough
this was the 21st Century
she`d hatch a plan and call their bluff

she organised a farewell party
 as her sisters were going on holiday
so they invited all the friends round
and everyone had an awesome day

when the taxi drew up to the house
everybody crowded all around
as they drove away, cheers were heard
and Cinders smiled but made no sound

for where her sisters were going
it certainly wouldn`t be much fun
they were destined for finishing school
now young Cinders would be number one!

no one to yell at her or boss her about
she could get on with music and art
peace now reigned throughout the house
for now Cinders could follow her heart

(C) Lissies Poems 2023


Thursday 23 February 2023



Happy Birthday Phoebe

Love and miss you always 💛



Practical and positive
Happiest when with her family
Outgoing and great company
Ever kind, caring and full of love
Best Mother-In-Law you could have
Ever loved and sorely missed

(C) Lissie Bull 2023


Lost Loved Ones.

When someone we love passes on,
many precious memories come to mind
so we are able to celebrate their life
and all the contributions they made
with all the joy they brought to us
this helps to comfort the ones left behind
thinking about all the wonderful people
I have lost over the past few year.

Love and miss them always xXx
Lissie poems 2023


memories can be hard to overcome
the pain and sorrow are too much
a broken heart takes time to mend

as angel feathers leave a tender touch

(C) Lissies Poems 2023

Wednesday 22 February 2023

Snoozing Bear

Even a giant beast loves to snooze
with the warmth of the sun on his fur
curled up comfy by the roots of a tree
dreams of fun, there`s no need to stir

leaves for comfort, branch for a pillow
ears pricked to hear any tiny sound
he may be snoozing, but he`s no fool
so in tune with everything around

watch this handsome bear relax, but
keep your distance and let him sleep
breathing deeply, he appears at easy
but come to close and he will leap

(C) Lissie Poems 2023

Monday 20 February 2023


Our pets are amazing and a big part of your families and we love them all!  

Our Wonderful Pets

Just like us, there's different kinds of pets
from the usual to exotic types
dogs, cats, hamsters to ferrets
big, small and colourful
matching our life styles
they're all special
groom, feed, play
love our

(c) Lissie Bull 2023

Sunday 19 February 2023

   Mothering Sunday is just around the corner 

and a poem is a unique gift idea.

My Mother

I don`t need a special day
to show I care for my mother
each and every day`s the best
for she`s unlike any other

great cook and loves a cuddle
always ready to lend a hand
thank you to my lovely Mother
you`re the best in all the land

(C) Lissie Poems 2023


A Mother is an angel
sent from heaven above
to inspire us all to fly
with her passion and her love

to help us be a fraction
of the real person we can be
full of love, joy and laughter
cherishing our family

(C) Lissies Poems 2023


Such a beautiful scented seed
from which a family of flowers she`ll sow
for she offers an endless garden
where you can blossom. thrive and grow

(C) Lissies Poems  2023


Her hand is the first you`ll ever hold
and the one that`s always there for you
her love pouring out with every touch
 for all her passion will remain true

(C) Lissies Poems 2023


First to hold you in her arms
love you her whole life through
Full of wisdom and kindness
ever present, just for you!

(C) Lissie Poems 2023


She is the glue that
bonds our family together
full of love, laughter and kindness
our rock for ever after.

(C) Lissie Poems 2023

Flowers appear 
Mother Nature 

(C) Lissie Poems 2023

Saturday 18 February 2023



look out
over the sea
a light out
shining out to sea
saving sailors lives
treacherous  rocks
standing proud on 
hilltops high above
these raging tempests
hazardous down below
shipwrecks and lost men
lonely times for the keepers
always tending to the life saving
beam of light showing the way to
a safe harbour to rest for the night
long may this lighthouse`s  light shine
bright across the ocean, keeping sailors
and their vessels safe each and every night 

                                                                                           (C) Lissie Bull 2023


By the fire

Listen to the crackle of the fire
as the flames dance in the hearth
many bright colours shimmering 
filling the room with a warm glow
stretched out toasting her fur
one relaxed cat sleeping contently

a hot frothy chocolate drink
steaming on the table beside me
filling the room with a wonderful aroma
helping me to unwind on the sofa
allowing the cat and myself to enjoy
a perfect autumn evening

(c) Lissie Bull 2023

Friday 17 February 2023

Life can be so frantic, so it feels good to slow down and enjoy the beauty of nature. Seeing all the Mother Nature has to offer us cal be relaxing, meditative and helps us to see everything around us in a new way.

Beauty of Nature

Red poppies in summer breeze
bluebells carpeting the ground
yellow and orange autumn leaves
white snow muffling every sound

cool clear lakes surrounded by trees
bright speckled meadows sway in the air
rough rocky mountains reach for the sky
barrow dunes carrying hope on a prayer

through depths of the mighty oceans
dark, unexplored, far from our reaches
crashing around rugged coastlands 
or touching long sandy beaches

so much awesome beauty of nature
sharing great diversity to all
our wondrous planet is so unique
from the mighty to the minuscule 

(C) Lissies Poems  2023

Wednesday 15 February 2023

Ink, blood, words and protective thorns,  they are all linked in a powerful image for me.

Words and thorns

There`s such power to be found in words
love and affection felt with tenderness
experienced through the ink from the pen
raw emotions in nature`s harsh wilderness

this blood filled pen, pierces like the sharp thorn
that staunchly protects the fragrant red rose
warning off unsuitable pursuers
a moment in time, blood and thorn now shows

dripping with the sheer desire to survive
each word oozes with a need to be read
spoken with passion and authority
not to linger in an old book `til dead

likewise the rose`s need to remain untouched
to grow tall with elegance and beauty
therefore these fearfully sharp thorns comply
protecting these flowers, are their duty

the enriched wonder of the word and thorn
sealed with thick ink, are entwined together
for the realization of their existence
their power will remain with us for ever

(c) Lissies Poems 2023

Tuesday 14 February 2023


Valentine`s Day

February is the month for love
celebrating Valentine`s Day
tender moments and a kiss
sweet roses, chocolates
romantic rendezvous
countryside walks
hand in hand
in love

(C) Lissies Poems 2023

Memories are very important, don`t ever want to lose them.
Box of Memories

My little box of memories
contains a life time of thoughts
mostly there are good ones
but some tied me up in knots.....

these mementos are personal
for they mean so much to me
photos, tickets and clippings
all locked up with a little key

birthday greetings from my parents
and my first valentine`s card
to pictures painted by my kids
parting with them would be too hard

all these memories, I want to keep
protecting them now, that`s my aim
so I will lock them safely away
for losing them would be such a shame !

© Lissie Poems 2023