Friday 24 February 2023

Cinder`s Life

life`s a twisted Cinderella story
where the youngsters laze around
doing just whatever they please
stamping Cinders into the ground!

on the net all day, hiking up the bill
always leaving on the house lights
Cinders is left to clean up again
on the go from dawn to midnight

everyone should be respectful
curb their excesses and be fair
not take people for what they want
this was more that Cinders could bare

things had to change around here
poor young Cinders had had enough
this was the 21st Century
she`d hatch a plan and call their bluff

she organised a farewell party
 as her sisters were going on holiday
so they invited all the friends round
and everyone had an awesome day

when the taxi drew up to the house
everybody crowded all around
as they drove away, cheers were heard
and Cinders smiled but made no sound

for where her sisters were going
it certainly wouldn`t be much fun
they were destined for finishing school
now young Cinders would be number one!

no one to yell at her or boss her about
she could get on with music and art
peace now reigned throughout the house
for now Cinders could follow her heart

(C) Lissies Poems 2023


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