Friday 17 February 2023

Life can be so frantic, so it feels good to slow down and enjoy the beauty of nature. Seeing all the Mother Nature has to offer us cal be relaxing, meditative and helps us to see everything around us in a new way.

Beauty of Nature

Red poppies in summer breeze
bluebells carpeting the ground
yellow and orange autumn leaves
white snow muffling every sound

cool clear lakes surrounded by trees
bright speckled meadows sway in the air
rough rocky mountains reach for the sky
barrow dunes carrying hope on a prayer

through depths of the mighty oceans
dark, unexplored, far from our reaches
crashing around rugged coastlands 
or touching long sandy beaches

so much awesome beauty of nature
sharing great diversity to all
our wondrous planet is so unique
from the mighty to the minuscule 

(C) Lissies Poems  2023

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