Saturday 11 February 2023


Majestic Matriarch

This awesome mammal
pachyderms that walk the land
dominating the horizon
looking so majestic yet grand

plodding through the sparse scrub
she`s watching everything around
able to keep the herd in check
with just one single low sound

her presence is so powerful
yet she`s such a loving creature
need to protect these elephants
they are a national treasure

with two curled ivory tusks
her long slender trunk swaying
this wonderful old matriarch
her sparkling eyes she`s displaying

so, through this awesome landscape
watching these animals walk by
lets remember they are dwindling
we need to keep the numbers high

standing here watching the Savannah
knowing all life here has it`s worth
I love to see these creatures roam
admiring all of Mother Earth

© Lissie Bull 2023

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