Tuesday 5 May 2020

Mental Health 

As lockdown continues, people are finding it has an adverse effect on our mental health.
Loneliness, stress, depression are just a few emotions that appear to some to be worse than they really are.  Being confined at home can be such an emotional experience for all ages and families. 

I am in lockdown with two of my adult kids.  We try to keep a routine, which worked quite well at the beginning but as time has gone on, it`s getting harder to do. They spend most of their time in their own rooms either on computers or watching videos, but this sadly leaves me on my own. I think this has made me feel even more lonely too.  

I have noticed that though I try and keep to my routine, I`m get really tired very quickly and I`m not able to sleep well.  I do look forward to my daily walks in the park and even the odd trip to the supermarket gets me out of the house too.

Keeping in touch the rest of my kids is so important to me, I speak on them as often as I can. Facebook time helps as we can see each other even if we`re not in the same place. Just to see their facial expressions, reactions and smile is very uplifting and sending a receiving letters means the world.

There many ways we can survive this lockdown,  have you tried to learn something new?  I`ve been looking in to book binding. Even got myself a binding machine.  Hopefully this will enable me to produce my own poetry anthology.  I also want to teach myself to read a crochet pattern instead of looking at a picture and guessing.  What will you try?

There are many ways or help us cope with lockdown, so stay positive, optimistic and follow the government`s guideline,  Stay at home, protect the NHS and save lives!

Take care and stay safe 


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