Sunday 10 May 2020

We are living in uncertain times, we have never had to deal with a pandemic on this kind of global playing field.  It`s scary and we have a long way to go before it is over. So because of all this, we need to stick together and support one another and we will survive.

I love my little business, being able to do the things I love doing is great.  Sharing my love of poetry, introducing people to the world of poems and how it can help de-stress them.

For me, poetry should be assessable, visible and enjoyable, not shut in a book, left on a shelf and forgotten.  Poems are pictures painted with words from the heart.

I am going to try and write some positive poems to help keep people`s spirits up.  A mixture of comical, whimsicle and uplifting.  Hopefully they will bright up someones day.

It has amazed me how much love and determonation in people to help others who are suffering and need support.  You are all heros in my mind and the love in your hearts is overwhelming.  I have been shown kindness by my neighbours and that is a wonderful feeling.

So never forget the lower of love and kindness in this world, rememeber to support your local community and the less fortunate ones.  Your kindness with be really appreciated.  Stay strong and we WILL get through this together.

Take care and stay safe 


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