Saturday 14 July 2018

My Life

Over the last few years, I have lost some close loved ones.
some through cancer, sadly losing their battle and others, though still alive
in body, still dead to me in heart.

I am a simple woman, living a simple life with my for artistic children.
One daughter and three sons under one roof.
Times are hard and money is tight, but we are united through family, and family stick together and support one another at all times !

I love my children and would do anything for them, to make their life better in any way.
I am in my mid fifties and to be honest, though that by this time in my life, I would be doing the things I want to do and not the things I have to do.  Waking them up, cooking, shopping, cleaning, laundry and taxi service, all things for my children  and sadly, very little for myself.

I find my solace in my poetry, painting pictures through words, Feeling the emotions and passion from deep within my soul. I am stimulated by events, pictures and even challenges !  I started to really write after the lost of my husband, though I have written a few as a teenager.  I found that I couldn't talk about my sorrow to a Bereavement Councillor, until someone suggested I wrote down my feeling and emotions.....and my poetry journey began... !

Now I write every day and really enjoy it too.  I have written about most things, children, cats, events and deep feelings. Poetry helps me to express myself better that verbally.  I have a blog that I started over three years ago and it`s where I store all my poems. To date... I have over 1400 entries so far...

Last year I managed to fulfill a life time ambition by getting some of my poems published in three anthologies. ( I know my husband would be so proud of me, and that spurs me on to doing more and fulfilling other ambitions.)   Lost Tower Publications released a charity anthology in aid of Headway.
The anthology contained poems about cats and how they interact with us.  It was fun to be involved.
I was invited to submit ten poems for consideration for a publication with other women poet. It took a long time to be prepared but was a great success.

I have since had a couple more poems published in some anthologies, one was a charity anthology to raise awareness of sufferers of Domestic Violence.  A proud moment.

Now my ambition is to have a book published in my own name, a collection of my own works.  I have a title  "This is me..!"

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