Friday 12 April 2019

Day 12

What makes a poem a poem and a dream based on prompt?

Write a poem about loving a dull thing that you own and why (how) you love it.
Alternatively, what would it mean to you to give away or destroy a significant object?

I chose to write about at dull thing I couldn`t be parted from.

Dustbin for Christmas

One year for my Christmas gift
my parents gave me a dustbin
round, black plastic with a lid
wrapped in a bright pink ribbon

it was too big to go under the tree
so mum found a place for it to hide
and after lunch when we sat down
my dad carried it in with pride

this present caused much laughter
with hubby, friends and family
inside my wrapped gifts were found
love my daft lot and their insanity

since that unusual Christmas day
my dustbin`s been in daily use
bumped, battered and not so clean
it has certainly taken a lot of abuse

these days my dustbin has been retired
resides contently amongst the plants
dusty, dull and now quite forgotten
would I get rid of it, not a chance!!

(c) Lissie Bull 2019

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