Saturday 6 April 2019

Day 6 #NaPoWriMo Challenge

Why do people need poetry?

Write a poem that emphasizes the power of "if",  of the woulds, coulds and shoulds of the world!

What if …… could. should and would poem!

What if the sun didn`t rise.... !

If I could call the sun and ask for advise, I would chat for ages
If I could flick a switch, flood the world with light, there`s be warmth

I would ask all the cockerels to call the sun home
I would ignite all the candles that exist, creating a homely feel

I should plead for the sun to return as the world can not cope
I should welcome the dawn of each day and be thankful with my life

If the world is in darkness, I couldn't reach out to anyone
If it was a permanent night, how would we survive?

We are unable to thrive in the darkness
We need the life giving powers of the sun

What if the sun didn`t rise in the morning?
We could suffer so badly and die!

(c) Lissie Bull 2019

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